Outdoor Furniture: How to Make Them Last for a Long Time
You have planned, searched, have decided and paid for the outdoor furniture of your choice. Then after, you are considering ways how to protect it. Covers for furniture are ideal to shield them from changes of weather, pollen, morning dew, and other wind-blown environmental wastes which will affect the finishing and material of the furniture. Most covers have openings to allow free air to ventilate the furniture and to prevent the growth of mould.Naturally, choose the waterproof type of furniture cover and that which will fit around the furniture. In addition, these covers should allow breathing space for porous wood furniture. Determine the exact measurements of your furniture because over-sized furniture covers will slump allowing water and other wind-blown debris to accumulate on the sagged portion. Undersized furniture covers will stretch to their limits thus resulting to the untimely ripping and damage of the covers. Covers that fit properly will provide value to the money spent in purchasing them and furthermore will last longer.Aside from furniture covers used for protecting furniture, the availability of a garden shed or a garage with enough space to accommodate furniture, are alternatives to proper storage of furniture during winter or during other periods when outdoor furniture will not be in use. Cleaning chairs one last time before fitting them in covers is recommended so they won’t have to stay in their condition all winter with stains or dirt getting embedded into their surface. See to it that furniture is totally dry before covering them up for the winter. Damp furniture will produce mold, especially if it has been covered under a tarp. These tarps are ideal breeding grounds for mildew because they trap heat and moisture and only let minimal air to go in.These are options in preparation for wintertime in cold countries. There are options too for furniture protection and care in tropical countries. Summer is an ideal time for the proper care of furniture. The warmth of the sun can easily dry out wet surfaces or dry newly-painted furniture in just a few hours of exposure to the sun’s heat. The use of a damp rag to wipe up spills on furniture and drying immediately prevents the penetration of liquid into the wood. Rain showers are part of summertime. They last only for a short time. The droplets that settle on furniture should be wiped off immediately to prevent the moisture to sip through the wood. Then air-dry the furniture.When the summer season comes to an end, you will be thinking again what to do to protect your furniture from the coming of cold weather. Will you leave your chairs outdoors with covers protecting them or bring them inside your garage for storage? Whatever options you would choose it is important to remember to protect your outdoor furniture in the winter as well as in any time of the year. Patio furniture is expensive and you are entitled to enjoy it for a long period of time. Thus, it is but right to take care of and to protect your furniture as if they are family members who need your comforting touch.